Jiachen Xu


PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University


Jiachen Xu 许家晨

I am a 4th-year PhD candidate supervised by Prof. Vanessa Chen at Energy-Efficient Circuits and Systems (EECS) Lab, Carnegie Mellon University. I received B.S. degree in Computer Engineering from Purdue University in 2020. My research interests include Machine learning for RF hardware security, Computing platforms and machine learning accelerators (ASIC and FPGA), and Energy-efficient embedded systems design for IoT and biomedical applications.


My publications at CMU

Some undergrad projects

Recent updates

03/01/2022 I am going to present our work “Combinatorial-Randomness-Based Power Amplifier Datasets with RF Fingerprint Classification” at tinyML Research Symposium 2022 (3/28-3/30, San Francisco, CA).

01/20/2022 I received the 2022 ADI Outstanding Student Designer Award from Analog Devices.